
Updated date: 8 May 2017
It is possible to restrict access to your Web portal to a range of IP addresses. Only people using the IP address included in the range will be able to access the Web Portal, and people outside the range would be access denied. 
Updated date: 22 January 2021
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There are several authentication modes to access the Octopus Web Portal. The different authentication modes are described in the sections below.
Updated date: 21 May 2020
The satisfaction survey is a good way to open communications with users and measures the level of service efficiency. The Octopus built-in customer survey is simple, but efficient and does not require a lot of configurations.
Updated date: 10 April 2017
The "Configurations" module of Octopus allows for complete management of equipment necessary for the delivery of services of an IT organization. It is more than an inventory; because in addition to contain physical elements, we can incorporate logic elements, establish relationships between them...
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You can use conditional expressions and variables in the email templates.
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Updated date: 10 April 2017
How to convert the document tab of a CI to the new format? From version 4.1.250 and on, the HTML editor for the document tab of a CI has been replaced. 


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