Initial Operation

Updated date: 9 July 2015
Creating ad-hoc reports with Octopus can be done in a few steps. You start by extracting the data you want in your report and then you select/customize a print format.
Updated date: 25 June 2015
This page presents the Octopus musts, which contribute to facilitate your daily work. Useful Shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts to make your life easier.
Updated date: 29 December 2021
This article describes the User Management Module, the information that you need to configure for a basic use of Octopus, as well as the configuration for a more complete use of Octopus.
Updated date: 2 July 2019
Related Articles User Training
Updated date: 4 May 2022
Octopus offers integrated reports and statistics. This Wiki article has been designed to help you find the information.
Updated date: 11 July 2017
In order to assist with request management, Octopus can add reminders to incidents, service requests and tasks. The reminder will trigger a notification to the user that created it at the date and time programmed in the reminder. These reminders are visible from the Reminders module...
Updated date: 5 April 2024
In Octopus the work done by Octopus users, approvers and external users is done within activities. This is an essential part of Octopus and this article describes how it works and the different modes of activities.
Updated date: 31 October 2019
Related Articles User Training Incident Management - ITIL® Process
Updated date: 29 December 2021
This article explains the efficient creation steps of an incident in a context where a user calls to address his needs to the Service Center.There is more than one way to create an incident in Octopus. The creation upon a phone call requires a quick reaction from the call center analyst, so every...
Updated date: 15 August 2022
The advanced search can help find specific informations.  The access to the advanced search is available from every module.


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