Updated date: 7 May 2024
General What are the features of Octopus? What are the key concepts?
Updated date: 5 September 2017
Specific cases of requests restricted by site
Updated date: 19 July 2023
Introduction Here are four (4) ways to create a Frequently Asked Questions page to answer users' most frequently asked questions.
Updated date: 22 August 2017
In the Octopus sections which contain contact information (Suppliers, Users), you can open a message to an e-mail address by clicking on that address in the lists. If you use Notes but the link opens in Outlook, try the following:
Updated date: 22 August 2017
Difference between suspending or Marking a request as Pending? A request is suspended if the reason that work cannot proceed depends on the user.
Updated date: 7 May 2024
Introduction To facilitate the use of Octopus, you can zoom in different places: 
Updated date: 12 November 2018
Why do two requests of the same type have different forms? In Octopus forms are an important tool for incident management  and service requests delivery. But for all kinds of reasons, like process changes or continuous improvement, the forms change regularly.
Updated date: 22 June 2020
This article explains how to manage two (or more) Octopus installations on the same computer. This procedure is required if the same PC will be used to access two distinct Octopus environments. 
Updated date: 22 August 2017
The Web Portal and WebTech are adapted in order to make them work on tablets and smart phones. See the wiki article A native version for smart phones is in progress.
Updated date: 4 May 2022
To view the timesheet of another assignee, you must go to : Menu: File, Reports and Statistics, and then choose: Activity Timesheet.


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