Import (DataImporter)

Updated date: 2 November 2020
Importing the holidays will update the Service Hours and Holidays section in the Octopus options of a team.  This section is particularly important when the Service Level Agreement (SLA) option is enabled. Because public holidays are then considered as outside the...
Updated date: 14 March 2023
This article explains how to proceed to import planned requests. See the DataImporter - Import CI Linked to Planned Requests article to find out how to import the specific CIs related to the planned requests.
Updated date: 24 March 2020
This article presents the method to join the CI covered by a service contract.
Updated date: 9 March 2023
Introduction This article presents the method for importing changes. .  
Updated date: 28 January 2020
This article presente the method to import the status transition used in the Change module. 
Updated date: 1 November 2017
This article presents the method to import Web forms associated to incident templates and service request types. 
Updated date: 20 March 2020
This article explains how to import lease contracts.
Updated date: 5 July 2024
This article explains how to import site in Octopus
Updated date: 24 April 2019
Overview This article presents the import of internal or external parts that have been used in a request.
Updated date: 26 April 2019
This article presents the method to import CIs associated to planned requests.  See the DataImporter - Import Planned Requests article to find out how to import planned requests.


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