Administration Tools

Updated date: 7 March 2024
The GetDBApp (ESI.Octopus.GetDBApp.exe) program allows to download the Octopus database from a database hosted on our servers. The program can be automated using the Windows Scheduled Tasks to download the database everyday. Note that the Octopus database is in SQL. 
Updated date: 3 November 2023
Version 6.0 - Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 (or later) Mandatory for Octopus Windows Client (WinUI) and server  
Updated date: 15 November 2023
Introduction This article describes the steps to follow to analyze errors related to running ADSIReader as well as the most common problems using this tool.
Updated date: 26 February 2024
To run the Octopus programs automatically, you need to create a Windows scheduled task. This article will provide you with guide lines to do so.
Updated date: 4 January 2024
Generate encrypted password - Hide password when running Octopus tools   At Octopus, data security is always at the heart of our concerns. Thus, a feature has been implemented to protect a password through the encryption method when using the following applications:
Updated date: 20 March 2016
This article presents various scenarios for computer management and its impact on AD synchronization and the collection of WMI data.


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