Web Portal - URL Parameters of the Web Portal


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Applies to: Octopus version 3.4.9 and more.

This article explains the possible parameters allowing you to launch a web pages for the Web Portal with predefined options. Controlling the options this way can be useful if you have an intranet and you want to offer links to direct pages on the Web Portal.

Parameter Syntax

Here is an example with only one parameter:


Take note that:

  • A question mark starts the parameter list
  • There are no spaces in the whole sequence
  • The parameter and its value are seperated by "=" (param=value)

Here is an example with multiple parameter:


Take note that:

  • The same rules apply as with only one parameter apply
  • The "&" sign is used between each parameter.


This is the request creation page. The following parameters are allowed:

Parameter: TemplateID

  • Use:
    • Used to launch the request creation page for a specific request type. By using this parameter, the user will get to the request creation page with a pre-selected request type already selected from the list of request types. 
  • Permitted values:
    • Incident or SR type ID from the IncidentTemplate table.
  • Example :
  • Note:
    • If the ID does not exist, the parameter will be ignored and the page will open as if none had been provided.
    • If the user does not have rights to create this type of request, the parameter will be ignored and the page will open as if none had been provided. The possible reasons could be:
      • Site restriction
      • User group restriction
      • he template is not selected as "Visible on the Web Portal"
      • The template is inactive.


This is the page that displays the history of the users requests.

Parameter: TemplateID

  • Use:
    • Used to launch the request page while filtering with a specific request type
  • Permitted values:
    • One or more incident template or SR type ID from the IncidentTemplate table. If multiple ID are provided, they need to be separated by comas.
  • Example 1
  • Example 2
  • Note:
    • The system displays all the requests whose type match the provided ID
    • If the ID list contains an ID smaller or equal to zero, the parameter will be ignored and the page will open as if none had been provided.

Parameter: ShowEmployeeRequestsOnly

  • Use:
    • Certain users have the right to see all the requests of their department or site. By default, when these users visit the page they see only their requests. They can uncheck the "See my requests only" box to see the requests of others. This parameter is used to launch the page while controling the initial value of the "See my requests only" box.
  • Permitted values:
    • 0 (shows all requests) or 1 (show only the user's requests)
  • Example :
  • Note :
    • If the user does not have the right to see the requests of other people in his department or site, then this parameter will be without effect.
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