Advanced Search



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The advanced search can help find specific informations.  The access to the advanced search is available from every module.

How it works

  1. Select the desired module.
  2. Click on the double arrows to the right of the screen.
  3. Enter the desired criteria from the different tabs.
  4. Click on the magnifying glass to see the results.
  5. Criteria used in the same group (unmerged search) function as an ET operator, such as CI Name = ABC / Site = XYZ.

    Note that, two criteria in the same group referring to the same field is not allowed. Example: CI Name = ABC, CI Name = XYZ


Operators are an important part of a search. Here is a liste of all operators that can be used.  

For text type fields, for example the subject, the name, the description, the note, etc.: 

  • Begins with
  • Contains this phrase
  • Contains these words
  • Contains exactly
  • Does not begin with 
  • Does not contain
  • Does not contain exactly
  • Does not end with 
  • Ends with
  • Equal
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty
  • Not equal


For numeric type fields, for example dates, numbers, etc. : 

  • Between
  • Equal
  • Greater or equal than
  • Greater than
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty
  • Lower or equal than
  • Lower than
  • Not between
  • Not equal

Merged Searches

Merged searches allow to add one or more criteria groups to search in the same module. It's like appliying a OR operator to a search.

For example, to view the SR with the New status  and the SR tasks that are Not started for all groups in a list of SR / tasks that have not yet been started

  • To add a set of criteria to your search, click the   icon.

  • Enter your search criteria.
  • Click the magnifying glass, the results of the 1st and 2nd group will be displayed, as if the OR operator had been used.

  • If you combine several groups of criteria in a search, the icons will change, indicating that this is a merged search.
  • Navigate through the groups using the left / right green arrows.

Modify the target of the search

Several choices is available as search targets.

How it works

Open the advanced search to access the targets:

  • Click on the double arrows to the advanced search.

  • Select the desired target from the dropdown list.
  • Add the search criteria.
  • Click on the magnifying glass.

Here are a few interesting scenarios


  1. Search for the efforts for a particular Octopus user for a specific period
  2. Search for the resolution activities of a particular Octopus user for a specific period
  3. Search activities with properties from Incidents/SR, Events, Tasks, Problems and Changes nodes
Visual explanation


  1. Search what is installed on a particular type of CI
  2. Search a type of CI that is associated to an incident
  3. Search CIs associated to a precise user
Visual explanation

Rental Contract

  1. Search rental contracts that will end during a given period
Visual explanation

Service Contract

  1. Search the service contracts for a specific type
Visual explanation


  1. Search for departments and sub-departments with no associated manager
Visual explanation


  1. Search in the notifications to find out if a notification was sent for a specific incident
  2. Search the recent notifications sent to a specific Octopus user
  3. Search for the notifications where there was an error during delivery
What you need to know :

Octopus stores notification information for the 30 last days.


Visual explanation

Maximize the Possibilities

The advanced search really shows its advantages and possibilities when saved as a list. Especially if it is combined with a subscription to a list to receive a notification when there are changes.

For more information, see the List Customization Wiki page.


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